Berkeley Unified School District “West Campus” Administration and Classroom Facility

This project included a seismic upgrade of existing Building C, on BUSD’s West Campus to contain new administrative offices, classrooms, and parking. This project is an example of the sustainable building principal of building reuse – through the modernization and adaptive reuse of an existing building, Berkeley Unified School District conserved natural resources that would have been required to build new.
- This CHPS-designed building exemplifies additional sustainable/green building strategies including:
- Use of low-VOC products, paints and coatings
- Provided public transit access and bicycle parking
- Water and energy conservation measures
- Use of rapidly renewable and recycled content materials, and Forest Stewardship Council-certified wood
- Operable windows with a view to the outside are provided for 90% of classrooms and offices.
- 75% of construction waste was diverted from landfills through reuse, recycling, or composting
- Address: 2020 Bonar Street
- City: Berkeley, CA
- Client: Berkeley Unified School District